Bow School Sixth From

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Frequently Asked Questions

When can I apply?

Applications are open now and will close on the 24th February.  The prospectus can be downloaded from the website, here.

Applications can be made here

How many subjects can I choose?

An A-Level student will choose three or four subjects.  Usually, only three subjects are continued in the second year.

If you want to study BTEC Business or Sport at Bow, you will only choose this course, and it will make up your entire timetable, although all students will be involved in the enrichment and tutorial programme.

How should I know what subjects to choose?

There are many ways you can research this.  Think about the future and what kind of job you might want to do.  Are there specific subjects you need to have studied?  You can ask your subject teachers or the Careers Advisor if you are not sure, though there is also a lot of information available on university and careers websites.  Most importantly, come along to our open evening on the 21st January to talk to subject staff and find out some of the best options for progressing to university or beyond.

Follow this link to A-Level requirements for popular degree courses.

To find out more information, you can visit any of the following sites:

Russell Group: Informed Choices

A-Level Subjects Guardian Article

Which? University

How do I get there?

The school building is located near to the canal and Bromley-by-Bow.  Everyone will have a different journey to make.  Please refer to this document to see how to make yours.

What are the school’s results like?

Students and staff at Bow School celebrate good results, above the national average, each year.  As a school, we are also recognised as being exceptional at adding value to students’ achievements; what this means is that students from Bow consistently outperform what would be expected of them nationally, dramatically improving their future prospects.  Last year, 25% of our sixth form achieved AAB or better at the end of Year 13, putting us at the top of the table for Tower Hamlets.  This extremely positive score also means we are amongst the best 20% of schools in London, including those that are academically selective or independent.  We are very excited to build on that success this year and look forward to what the summer will bring.

What is the uniform going to be?

Students wear business casual dress.

Will it be just like school?

Well, the sixth formers won't be wearing school uniform and will have lots of other privileges too.  Sixth formers will be the only students in school able to use the main reception entrance and have their own separate space.  There is social and study space for sixth formers when not in lessons, and everyone will be assigned an individual locker in this area.

What will class sizes be like?

Class sizes are based on how many applicants we get for each subject, but since our sixth form is small, with individual support and guidance, all students benefit from classes under fifteen.

What if I don’t know anyone?

This is a valid worry when arriving at any new place, but during the first few weeks of September there are lots of opportunities to meet people, from induction events at Rothschild’s City offices and trips, to events organised at the school.