Bow School Sixth From

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Careers Education

Careers education and guidance programmes make a major contribution to prepare for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. The quality of these programmes underpins our driving ethos that every student leaves world and career ready. 

At Bow, we provide appropriate careers education from Year 7 upwards. We have adapted to the needs of the students and their parents and feel confident that our staff, governors and parents can work towards raising aspirations and encouraging our students to consider a wide range of careers that best suit their needs and intelligence.

Gatsby Benchmarking

The Gatsby Foundation provided The Good Career Guidance Report which identifies a set of eight benchmarks that schools can use as a framework for improving their careers provision. 

You can read more here about what we do to achieve these benchmarks. 

Picking Pathways

At Bow School, a planned programme of activities supports our students in choosing pathways that suit their interests and abilities and helps them to follow a career path and sustain employability throughout their working lives.

“Pupils are increasingly well prepared for the next stage because they are taking appropriate qualifications and achieving well. Combined with good-quality careers advice, this is giving pupils the self-confidence to progress successfully to appropriate places of education, training and employment.” Ofsted

We ensure that all our pupils, including our sixth formers, receive effective careers guidance. We work with external advisors, businesses and academic institutions to facilitate the best available advice for our students and show them a path and guide them towards it. They are also exposed to different opportunities, whether through further education, work or apprenticeships.

Arranging Opportunities

Our programme of careers education is delivered via PSHE lessons, drop days and through enrichment activities. We conduct work experience for both our sixth form and year 10s, as well as providing career guidance for all pupils and links to businesses, exposing our students to external professionals, giving them a range of perspectives on work, employment and careers.

Powerful Partnerships

Bow School is also working in partnership with financial institutions such as Rothschild, Barclays Bank and Bank of America. We are also looking to broaden our links to businesses and work with the creative sector.

Interested in Finding Out More?

Visit the our Personal Development page to find out more.

Our Provider Access Policy


Anna Moyes (Assistant Headteacher – Personal Development)

Hodo Mohamud (Careers Co-ordinator)  

Tel: 020 7536 5525 ext: 1021